The Team/ El Equipo


Vanessa Peña- Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras
Hola hola, les saludo desde la hermosa ciudad de Santa Rosa de Copàn en Honduras Centro America, soy parte del equipo del programa FUENTES, tengo 25 años y estoy estudiando la carrera de ingenieria agroindustrial en el centro universitario regional de occidente. Soy una joven muy amigable y alegre, conciente de la situacion de mi pais tanto en ambiente como en politica, estoy ansiosa y emocionada por seguir trabajando en los temas anteriores y asi crear concienciatizacion en todos los y las jovenes de mi pais y asi poder hacer pequeños cambios que al final nos dara una gran recompensa.

Marie-Helene Beaudry- Québec, Canada
Bonjour à toutes et à tous, je me nomme Marie-Hélène Beaudry, j’ai 24 ans et j’ai la chance d’être membre de l’équipe du projet Sources-Fuentes. J’ai un baccalauréat en géographie et je retourne sur les bancs d’école à l’automne pour commencer une maîtrise de recherche. Je travaillerais sur un projet en lien avec l’éducation relative à l’environnement orientée pour les autochtones du Québec. Je suis passionnée par la protection de l’environnement et le respect de la justice sociale, par la sensibilisation et l’éducation alternative. Je participe au projet Sources-Fuentes dans le but d’acquérir de meilleures connaissances sur les enjeux liés à la ressource eau, pour améliorer mes capacités de facilitatrice, pour créer et dispenser un «workshop» qui inspirera d’autres jeunes à devenir des leaders de l’eau, pour apprendre sur le travail de coopérant international et pour améliorer mon espagnol.  Je vous quitte sur cette célèbre phrase de Gandhi : BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE.

Emanuele Lucia- Montréal, Canada
Hello everyone!  My name is Emanuele Lucia and I am 21 years old.  I am one of the members of the Sources - Fuentes Project.  I am currently studying Social Sciences in Cégep.  Once I've completed that, I hope to pursue undergraduate studies in economy.  I've also had the opportunity to participate in Canada World Youth's Youth Leaders in Action program last year.  Environmental issues have always been of particular interest to me, so when I heard about this new initiative, I almost felt as though I had no choice but to apply.  It has been an incredible experience that has allowed me to not only gain knowledge, but also develop skills that will be useful to me forever.  

Ana-Maria Moreno- Montreal, Canada

Julia Ruiz- Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Hola a todos! My name is Julia Ruiz, I’m 21 years old and I’m from Tegucigalpa, Honduras! Sustainable development has always been a big interest for me; I studied International relations so that I could learn more about international development and how different organizations take part on this task. Being a previous volunteer for the Perth, ON – Gracias, Honduras 2010 exchange helped me develop skills for team work, facilitation, critical thinking and gain knowledge on sustainable development and environmental consciousness. By having the opportunity of participating on the Sources Project I was able to take action and get involved with water related problems that affect us all. Sources Project has been an incredible experience that has allowed me to be an active global citizen working with other youth with a specific goal!

Edgard Cardoza- Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras


Gaetane Carignan- Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras
I am Canadian working for ASONOG and CUSO International in Santa Rosa de Copan for two years as a food security advisor, and now supervisor of the Honduran phase of the Sources-Fuentes water and youth leadership project.  My environmental science, agriculture and facilitation background is a great fit, and I am loving all the cross-cultural collaboration, learning, and creativity that this project is allowing us.

Laura Howard- Montreal, Canada