It’s been a while since the sources-Fuentes exchange was finished, but don’t let this fool you, the exchange might be over, but the PROJECT keeps on going!!! September 12th was the last day the entire group was together….but since then; the group has been keeping up with the work. Creating our educational tool and giving workshops were some of our main objectives but we’ve also had the chance of doing some extra work that lead to our goal…raise awareness and engage others!
It was a huge success for Sources, to know that the CWY exchange Sunshine Coast-South Africa group had used our tool and facilitated the workshop in a high school leadership class. This kind of things shows us how much the groups enjoyed the workshop and how useful the tool is.
After the program the Honduran team had a final workshop with the Perth-Gracias YLA group, and a meeting with the partner organizations with whom we had worked during the program discussing the next steps of what would be done in the visited communities, and future projects. This was with the help of CWY and Asonog, but what about working in our own communities?
Many, many times we’ve hear that education starts at home, so… why not implement our some of our sources activities with our own friends and family? The Canada World Youth programs encourage us to participate actively in our own communities and what better what to do than by starting with the basics!!! The sources-Fuentes program also gave US the tools to work, and I don’t mean the actual educational tool but… the knowledge we now have on water problems and SOLUTIONS is being passed on to many others… even if it something small as “Don’t leave the water running while brushing your teeth” or something like access and proper management of water or the relation between mining companies, water and power. These have all been topics that can be discussed during a family lunch or just a group of friends hanging out.
The sources Fuentes program has been able to expand even more than what we had thought in the first place either it’s a YLA group in Moncton, New Brunswick or a group of friends in Tegucigalpa, Honduras …. The sources-Fuentes team is still making some changes!!